We are having an issue on our VM environment but i am not sure how to understand it so i am hoping someone can help me with that.
We have a VMware ESX v4.1 environment that consist of 6 phisical machines (6 * DELL R910 (96GB RAM, 2*X7560 CPU)).
On these machines we run our Citrix Server + Webfarm. After counting all the cpu's dedicated to the vm's i ended up with 156 vCPU.
If I do the same for our physical CPU's, I got a total of 96 (not counting HT).
After upgrading the XenApp servers (20) from 4 to 8 cores it seems that there sometimes appear some glitches (apps frees when oppening, ...)
At the moment I don't where to look.
Is 8 cores to much in a single VM? Do we need more physical cores? ...
So if anyone has some info that could help me understand what is happing.
With kind regard