As part of , I am at step 7 where I enter credentials for the VMwareUpdateManagerUtility.exe. It just hangs and eventually errors out. I have copied the new SSL certificate files over. I get 2 different errors no matter what I try.
Error 1: "Failed to run vciInstallUtility."
Error 2: "Error:: Unknown vCenter Server error."
For "vCenter Server IP Address or Name", I have tried <vcenter FQDN>:80, <vCenter IP>:80, <vCenter fake DNS from hosts file>:80 and they all hang for several minutes then give one of the errors. VUM is installed on a separate VM from vCenter. I have done a full re-install of VUM. I am using vCenter and VUM from the 5.1.0-880471 install media since that is our baseline. I have verified that port 80 is correct using this query on VCDB, SELECT VALUE FROM VPX_PARAMETER WHERE NAME = 'WebService.Ports.http';. Any suggestions?