I have been searching for nearly 2 hours and haven't been able to get a clear answer to this as there are so many differnet levels of licensing.
There is a machine here that I inherited when I took this job that is running esxi 5.1. It does not have a vCenter license (almost all of the answers I saw pertain to users that have vCenter). What I see when I run the vSphere client is this:
I don't think there are any free versions of EXSi, so I assume this is not one of those free licenses I hear about but maybe I'm wrong..no one here knows exactly what license it is.
We need to replace this hardware. We will be replacing it with a single processor motherboard instead of the 2 processor we have now.
In any case, my questions are:
1: How can I migrate this license to the new hardware, without using vCenter?
2: I want to confirm I will be able to manually move the VMs to the new system by copying the vmx files (I'm pretty sure I know how to do this, but just asking in case there are any gotchas or it's harder than it sounds)
3: If the new hardware only has one physical processor, my understanding is that this license be used for a second single physical processor EXSi host?