Thankyou sir for the prompt response, it is truly appreciated. Getting back to this today, I tried the snippet of code you suggested, and, at least going against the 4.1 cluster, I didnt get any output besides the column header labelled 'Owner'. Alas, no joy.
There are a number of ways I've been able to return the values of these custom attributes standalone, such as -
Get-VM -name *Redhat* | get-annotation -customattribute Created, Hostname, IP, OS, owner
Get-VM "*" | get-annotation -customattribute Created, Hostname, IP, OS, Owner | Format-Table AnnotatedEntity, Name, Value, Created, Hostname, IP, OS, Owner
Get-VM "*" | get-annotation -customattribute Created, Hostname, IP, OS, Owner | Select AnnotatedEntity, Name, Value
and even this works, albeit in a somewhat unexpected way from the format perspective....
Get-VM | Select Name,@{N="Owner";E={$_.CustomFields['Owner','Created','Hostname','IP','OS']}}
and then, each attribute broken out...
Get-VM | Select Name,@{N="Owner";E={$_.CustomFields['Owner']}},@{N="Created";E={$_.CustomFields['Created']}},@{N="Hostname";E={$_.CustomFields['Hostname']}},@{N="IP";E={$_.CustomFields['IP']}},@{N="OS";E={$_.CustomFields['OS']}}
From the code for my report however, not working like this:
$VCServerName = "sf1"
$VC = Connect-VIServer $VCServerName
$VMFolder = "ITAC_SF1_RandD_DC"
$date = Get-Date -f Mdyyyy_HH_mm
$ExportFilePath = "C:\Users\U219715\Desktop\PowerCLI\Export-VMInfo_RING_$($date).csv"
$Report = @()
$VMs = Get-Folder -Server $VC -Location $VMFolder | Get-VM
$Datastores = Get-Datastore | select Name, Id
$VMHosts = Get-VMHost | select Name, Parent
ForEach ($VM in $VMs) {
$VMView = $VM | Get-View
$VMInfo = {} | Select VMName,Powerstate,OS,Folder,IPAddress,ToolsStatus,VMHost,Cluster,Datastore,NumCPU,MemMb,DiskGb, DiskFree, DiskUsed, Owner
$VMInfo.VMName = $
$VMInfo.Powerstate = $vm.Powerstate
$VMInfo.OS = $vm.Guest.OSFullName
$VMInfo.Folder = ($vm | Get-Folderpath).Path
$VMInfo.IPAddress = $vm.Guest.IPAddress[0]
$VMInfo.ToolsStatus = $VMView.Guest.ToolsStatus
$VMInfo.VMHost = $
$VMInfo.Cluster = $
$VMInfo.Datastore = ($Datastores | where {$_.ID -match (($vmview.Datastore | Select -First 1) | Select Value).Value} | Select Name).Name
$VMInfo.NumCPU = $vm.NumCPU
$VMInfo.MemMb = [Math]::Round(($vm.MemoryMB),2)
$VMInfo.DiskGb = [Math]::Round((($vm.HardDisks | Measure-Object -Property CapacityKB -Sum).Sum * 1KB / 1GB),2)
$VMInfo.DiskFree = [Math]::Round((($vm.Guest.Disks | Measure-Object -Property FreeSpace -Sum).Sum / 1GB),2)
$VMInfo.DiskUsed = $VMInfo.DiskGb - $VMInfo.DiskFree
$VMInfo.Owner = $vm.CustomFields['Owner']
$Report += $VMInfo
$Report = $Report | Sort-Object VMName
IF ($Report -ne "") {
$report | Export-Csv $ExportFilePath -NoTypeInformation
$VC = Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False
Please do know if something comes to mind. Many thanks