Ok so i'm running into the same problem with these test's according to the release notes this should have been fixed in the version i'm running
I'm having trouble understanding how to setup the UDEV settings on the linux VM's with physical RDM When I goto /etc/udev/rules.d I see 99-vmware-scsi-udev.rules do I just append that file with
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{vendor}=="xxxx" , ATTRS{model}=="xxxxx", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 180 >/sys$DEVPATH/device/timeout'"
and put in the Model and vendor information that i get from /sys/block/sdb/device/model and vendor where the XXXX are ? or do I create another udev rule
with 99-xxx-scsi-udev.rules if so do i really use the xxx in the name of the udev.rules name or name it the vendor name or name it the device name ? lol if someone can give me and example or a screenshot of theirs that would be great.
thanks everyone for all the help...