I'm trying to figure out how to add a service to the firewall.
I am looking at /etc/vmware/firewall/services.xml I assume I am in the right place... looks like it accrding to google anyway.
Now I am thinking of adding an outbound rule for some service, lets say SMTP.
But before I go in and start hacking my way through the file, lets look at the structure and understand it.
So right at the top, I see sshserver the rule is:
Ok so that means that the rule is not enabled... looking in my vsphere client, the ssh server is running and the ports are open.. i.e. the box is checked.
now next entry is ssh client
but wait... in my vsphere client, well, there is no ssh client service, of course that wouldn't make sense, but the check box is unticked...
so I am confused, I can't seem to marry up what is in services.xml to what I am seeing in the viclient. :-(
what am I doing wrong?