I am trying to manualy install an agent on to a PGP WDE laptop.
In the past, I haven't been able to push anytype of auto install.
I read this post : http://communities.vmware.com/thread/431289?tstart=30
I can't get past the profile part of the setup. I cannot retrieve the list of policies, so I think I may have an issue at the console server's end.
It's a Windows 2008 R2 server.
Error: Unable to get the list of available policies. Your hostname, port, or authentication information may be incorrect.
Error Detail:
There was an error communicating with the endpoint at 'https://vmprotect:3121/ST/Console/AgentRegistration/Registration/Manual'.
The operation timed out.
I have already opened TCP port 3121.
The authentication part may also be a factor, as I can't access my laptop admin shares since the PGP WDE is installed. I have not found a way to allow this.