Hi all-
This weekend I am tasked with migrating a vCenter SSO database from one MS SQL Server to another (neither are SQL express, and neither are co-cocated with vCenter itself)
In preparation, I read the KB article: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2033516
But that leaves me with some significant questions. Does anyone at VMware ever think of providing an example in a KB? (no, that's not the actual question)
In the command:
<ssoserver folder>\utils> ssocli configure-riat -a configure-db --database-host <new database server> --database-port <new database port> -m <master password>
What's "<master password>"? Is it the SQL DBA? Is it the SSO DBA?
And what becomes of the SSO Database User and the SSO DBA? Where do I specify the new SQL user accounts and their passwords?
Part of the reason we are migrating is to increase security and password strength, therefore I will have to change the SSO User and SSO DBA passwords.
Rest assured, when I am successful, I will post an example!