asaf0000 wrote:
I just purchased Fusion 5.02 without even going with trial nor testing Parallels first,
This is because I'd expect from VMWare as a leader in the virutalization world to produce the best thing ever, especially for end users which should be much simpler than building ESX stuff,
This post is first relevant to:
So light version doesn't download VMWare tools.
"Check for updates" causes the same error, which is:
VMware Fusion was unable to check for updates.
A certificate error occurred for the update server. Check your Internet settings or contact your system administrator."
For the certificate error have a look farther down that thread...
As to your comments about "I just purchased Fusion 5.02 without even going with trial", well lets see... nothing to loose and everything to gain (test with free trial first) or leap before one looks (pay money that woun't get refunded (because there is a free trial!). I have to say that IMO it's just plain stupid to first put money out of ones pocket when a free trial is available to ensure the product works as intended and meets ones needs/wants first!