We have a server that is still running ESX 3.01, we are preparing to replace the hardware and upgrade everything. Through this preparation process I came across a VM that has some old (2009), HUGE snapshots that need to be commited.
Because of problems I have experienced removing snapshots through the console in the past, I decided to run this from the command line. I ran the vmware-cmd command to remove the snapshots, connected to a secondary ssh session to watch the delta files. I am at a point now where all of the delta files are gone from the directory but the snapshots are still listed in the vmsd file. In addition, the vmware-cmd session has not yet returned to a prompt (either it is hung or still doing something?!?!)
It has been running (or hung) for about 24 hours now. I was about to kill this process and try to start up the VM - but I decided to post here first.
Has anyone else experienced this?