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Re: Issue related on Vmware ESXi


Have you checked your keyboard binding?

I had the issue a few times with some annoying out of band cards or exotic keyboards.

Re: Import sample roles from vCenter to ESXi hosts


I figured it out, you have to add the vCenter server to the domain by going through the web client and adding the domain as an identity source. After that, you'll be able to see your domain in the dropdown when adding permissions.

Re: server sql dababase whitout backup


Create a new vmdk with any other Windows VM you have.
Format it with NTFS and then remove it from that VM.

Add the formatted VMDK to your problem VM.

Boot problem VM from Windows-iso into recovery mode and copy out your data with cmd.exe

Find linux box


Hi Gurus


has anyone here have a PScli that I can use to find Linux box and its adapter type , that I can use.



Re: Find linux box


Do you the VMware Tools installed on your VMs?
Which adapter, storage or network?

Re: Find linux box


Please explain better what you mean. No idea what you're asking for.

Re: Powercli 6.5 memory leak


Yes, vijaysaiv, thanks again for the tip! I actually upgraded to PowerCli 11.2 but to be honest, I still think there's something incredibly wrong with their implementation - extracting data for a couple hundred VMs takes as much as 900 MB of RAM. In any case, I am good for the time being.

Re: Which version of Workstation Pro runs on WIndows 7 32bit?

View 7.8 - Windows 10 1809 - SSO - CTRL-ALT-Del issue


I have a pool that is ready to go for deployment except that when a user logs in, they have to press CTRL-ALT-DEL to continue the SSO process. I have another pool with the same GPOs applied and this does not happen, but it is an older version of Windows (1703 I believe).   I've attached a video showing the issue. I have an SR open on this but they haven't responded. I suspect it is a simple thing I've missed so I'm hoping someone can throw me a bone. Thanks!



Re: Custom Appstack


Anyone know if the "fix" they put into the 2.16 Agent was just an entry for msiexec into the HookInjectionWhitelist key?


After comparing the contents of the HookInjectionWhitelist from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\svdriver\Parameters between a master image with 2.14.2 and 2.16 agents installed I have noticed there is a single difference. The master image with the  2.16 Agent has an extra line with *msiexec.exe||* . This doesn't exist on a master image with 2.14.2 agent installed.



Willing to bet this could be the "fix"...

Powerpoint slide show


I have a customer who want to have a MS Powerpoint slideshow to run on a VDI Zero client that is running in kiosk mode, we run a IC (Instant Clone) network but this particular zero client is only connected to a specific user account. Secondly our virtual image is locked down and I can drop the powerpoint slide on the desktop but if there is a power cycle of any kind then the system will reboot causing the zero client to get a new session and I will have to go back and add the slideshow again. I have researched and researched this but I fail to come up with a better solution, if anyone have any suggestion they will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Workstation 14.1.7 won't autostart VMUSBArbService


I tried many things without success. I eventually found a work-around though.


Some of the things that didn't work:


*) I restored the Host Windows 10 back to 1803, removed Workstation, updated to 1809, re-installed workstation.


*) Various flavors of installing with '/clean' or '/r'. Various 'repair installation' attempts.


*) Manually deleting registry keys and vmware directories on C: between re-installs.


*) Installing Workstation 15.1


At least for the moment, it appears that changing the services


       'VMWare USB Arbitration Service'

and 'VMWare Workstation server'


from starting as 'Automatic' to 'Automatic (Delayed start)' seems to prevent the Event logs. And, the arbitration service now auto starts (after a few minutes anyway...)


I don't have any antivirus other than the built-in Windows Defender. So why I am seeing a 'File not found' error when the file seems to clearly exist is not obvious to me (when using regular auto-start). And, things previously seemed to be working fine at Windows 10 1803 (before it updated to 1809). Maybe a timing issue.


I tried this work-around thanks to the similar sounding topic (for Workstation 15) at VMware Workstation 15.0.3 USB Arbitration Service Won't Start Automatically .

QueryDiskChangedAreas and QueryAllocatedBlocks fails with FileFault : ESXMapperGetPhysicalMapping: Failed to get physical mapping: 190004 Inappropriate ioctl for device


On a ESXi 5.5 we are trying to take snapshot and read the changes while CBT is enabled on VM. The API fails to give the information and throws a FileFault. Following are the error lines that I see in vmware log:


DISKLIB-CTK   : Auto blocksize for size 230686720 is 128.

DISKLIB-CTK   : Auto blocksize for size 377487360 is 256.

DISKLIB-CBT   : Initializing ESX kernel change tracking for fid 1505332471.

DISKLIB-CBT   : Successfuly created cbt node 59b98cf7-cbt.

DISKLIB-CBT   : Opening cbt node /vmfs/devices/cbt/59b98cf7-cbt

OBJLIB-FILEBE : FileBEIoctl: ioctl operation failed on '/vmfs/devices/cbt/59b98cf7-cbt' : Inappropriate ioctl for device (1638402)

ESXMapperGetPhysicalMapping: Failed to get physical mapping: 190004 Inappropriate ioctl for device

DISKLIB-CBT   : Initializing ESX kernel change tracking for fid 1406045430.

DISK: Change tracking for disk scsi0:0 is now enabled.

DISKLIB-CBT   : Successfuly created cbt node 53ce8cf6-cbt.

DISKLIB-CBT   : Opening cbt node /vmfs/devices/cbt/53ce8cf6-cbt

OBJLIB-FILEBE : FileBEIoctl: ioctl operation failed on '/vmfs/devices/cbt/53ce8cf6-cbt' : Inappropriate ioctl for device (1638402)

ESXMapperGetPhysicalMapping: Failed to get physical mapping: 190004 Inappropriate ioctl for device

Re: Not able to reach in or out NSX based networks


Is your MTU configs are matched across the path 1600?

Dynamic Menu Help


I am trying to build a script that populates a menu using a get command. I have everything working up until the part where when I make my menu selection, I need that menu item to be used in the next command. In this script I am getting VM tag names using:


Get-TagCategory -Name BackUps | Get-Tag | select name | Out-File C:\VMWare-TXTfiles\VeeamTags.txt -force


I then get the content of the file and populate the menu:


$v = get-content 'C:\VMWare-TXTfiles\VeeamTags.txt' | select-object -skip 3

$list = @($v)


# Create blank array to hold menu

$formattedList = @()



# Even Odd Columns

for($i=0;$i -lt $list.Count; $i+=2) {

    # Check if even exists

    if ($list[$i+1] -ne $null) {

        $formattedList += [PSCustomObject]@{

            Odd = "$($i+1). $($list[$i])";

            Even = "$($i+2). $($list[$i+1])"



    else {

        $formattedList += [PSCustomObject]@{

            Odd = "$($i+1). $($list[$i])";

            Even = ""






# Output menu

$formattedList | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders



So the menu looks like this, it is 86 items in total but you get the point:


1. MGMT-0330          2. STRETCHWLD01-1000

3. CLU01-2330         4. STRETCHWLD01-1530



And I get prompted to choose a tag, When I choose one of the tags. I need it to populate the command: get-vm -tag ""



So if I choose 1 it would do the following: get-vm -tag MGMT-0330

I have this as my next line.



Switch ($input){

'1' {get-vm -tag <tag name from menu>}



I am guessing I need to some how change that 1 to a variable and whats inside the tag name from menu to something? Anyone ever done and thing like this? Thanks for the help...

Re: Powerpoint slide show


Use something like UEM to place to create a shortcut to open the slide, and place that shortcut in the startup menu. That way the file is always there and opens after the linked clone starts.

[Problem]: VMDK Disk space


   Hello VMwarers!


When I add Data to my VM surely VMDK size is increasing so when I delete that data my VMDK doesn't decrease so why is that and how to solve it?

Surely I use thin Disk space for my VMs, when I create my VMs I leave everything at the defaults.

Re: [Problem]: VMDK Disk space


If you want to free up disk space, you may use the shrink option, which - depending on the guest OS - zeroes out unused disk space within the guest's file sytem, and then shrinks the .vmdk file sizes. Please note that the shrink process actually clones the .vmdk file (i.e. copies used blocks into new files), so that you will need additional (temporary) free disk space on the host.


Rebooting Appvolumes Manager 2.10 after SQL disk filled up and has since been resolved.


Recently our one of our Disks on the SQL server filled up. we resolved this however since this time frame i can no longer Update Appstacks.



Job error: Update AppStack #<Thread:0xe75370> Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:53PM

Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:48PM

Job error: Update AppStack #<Thread:0xe75370> Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:48PM

Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:47PM

Job error: Update AppStack #<Thread:0xe45370> Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:47PM

Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:46PM

Job error: Update AppStack #<Thread:0xe75370> Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:46PM

Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"

May 09 2019 04:46PM

Job error: Update AppStack #<Thread:0xe45370> Unable to access template file: "[NA - Appstacks] cloudvolumes/apps/RPS12.92.4-2.vmdk"


I can however create a new Appstack, but if then need to update it i get the same errors as above.


Can i reboot the Windows 2012 box hosting Appvolumes Manager 2.10. ( Standalone). Or do i have to detach all Appstacks first ?

If i do reboot Appvolumes Manager , what is the effect on currently attached appstacks.

and Lastly when Appvolumes Services start. will it sync and discover all attached Appstacks ?

Re: Reset root password


Hi jhyiesla,


Welcome to communities.


Please confirm that you have entered rw init=/bin/bash as shown in the below screenshot


Press F10 to access the command prompt.

Later enter the below commands

  1. mount -o remount,rw /
  2. /sbin/pam_tally2 -r -u root


Mostly you might see a similar output as below



Later enter the below command


a.passwd root


This should help to reset the password. Once the new password is set type reboot -f


Post reboot we should be able to login with the newly set root password.


To address the inactive skyline collector status, kindly share the account name, the email address used to register skyline, collector id in the below link.


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