This morning my C Drive completely ran out of space and after a panicked attempt to solve the problem I noticed my C Drive was completely empty. The culprit was TomCat. I found 10GB of logs nestled in C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\tomcat\logs
This caused one of my 4 ESX hosts to briefly show a (not responding) error along with ALL VMs housed on that Host.
Question is why does tomcat write these seemingly useless (useless to a guy who does not use web interface at all in this 4.1 setup)
I momentarily moved half of the files to existing log file drive read through a few to see if I needed any of the information (which I didn't) then deleted the older ones.
My vCenter Server Settings are set to Information (Normal logging)
I'm just trying to get a little more insight into why these rather large logs files are written