So does this make sense, i added in the info listed in red.
Connect-VIServer -server $vcenterserver
$date = Get-Date
$VMsWithSnaps = @(Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Select VM,Name,Created,sizemb)
# Make sure the body isn't empty. If it is, skip this part and exit the script.
if($VMsWithSnaps -ne $null)Else{
Send-MailMessage -To "$toAddr" -From "$fromAddr" -Subject "WARNING: NO VMware Snapshots found on msf1vvcs01p" -Body "$body" -SmtpServer "$smtpsrv" -BodyAsHtml{
$body = @("
<center><table border=1 width=50% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=8 bgcolor=Black cols=3>
<tr bgcolor=White><td>Virtual Machine</td><td>Snapshot</td><td>Size in MB</td><td>Creation Time</td></tr>")
$i = 0
do {
if($i % 2){$body += "<tr bgcolor=#D2CFCF><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].VM)</td><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].Name)</td><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].Sizemb)</td><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].Created)</td></tr>";$i++}
else {$body += "<tr bgcolor=#EFEFEF><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].VM)</td><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].Name)</td><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].Sizemb)</td><td>$($VMsWithSnaps[$i].Created)</td></tr>";$i++}
while ($VMsWithSnaps[$i] -ne $null)
$body += "</table></center>"
# Send email alerting recipients about snapshots.
$VMsWithSnaps | Export-CSV "SnapshotReport $($date.month)-$($$($date.year).csv"
Send-MailMessage -To "$toAddr" -From "$fromAddr" -Subject "WARNING: VMware Snapshots found on msf1vvcs01p" -Body "$body" -Attachments "SnapshotReport $($date.month)-$($$($date.year).csv" -SmtpServer "$smtpsrv" -BodyAsHtml
Remove-Item "SnapshotReport $($date.month)-$($$($date.year).csv"
Send-MailMessage -To "$toAddr" -From "$fromAddr" -Subject "WARNING: VMware Snapshots found on msf1vvcs01p" -Body "$body" -SmtpServer "$smtpsrv" -BodyAsHtml
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vcenterserver -Confirm:$false