Re:Missing Out-of-the-box dashboard of Federation Management Pack 1.1.0-11289728
About Sites in vSphere
Can anyone tell me the exact meaning and purpose of sites in VMware vSphere?
Please tell.
Re: About Sites in vSphere
There is no strict definition i think
- If you have a Stretched cluster or mirrored Storage you have 2 sites
- It can be a different location. One part of the infrastructure is here, other parts are there. Customer often have a "Recovery Site". So we use the term "site" mostly as "location".
Re: VXLAN traffic over IPSEC Tunnel
Yes , you can certainly use IP-Sec or L2 VPN based on the requirement. Since the ask is for IP-Sec , we should understand that if the use case falls under route based IP-Sec tunnel , BGP is the only protocol supported (No Static routes as well) . If you have a mix of Policy/Routed tunnels - below points should be noted .
- You can configure policy-based IPSec VPN tunnels and route-based IPSec tunnels on the same ESG appliance. However, you cannot configure a policy-based tunnel and a route-based tunnel with the same VPN peer site.
- NSX Data Center supports a maximum of 32 VTIs on a single ESG appliance. That is, you can configure a maximum of 32 route-based VPN peer sites.
- NSX Data Center does not support migration of existing policy-based IPSec VPN tunnels to route-based tunnels or conversely .
Also have a look at MTU requirements , not in every case we need 1600 MTU
Re: PowerCLI scipt question
Yes, it uses DPAPI, which is a not-so-secure method on Windows platforms.
Which is also the reason why the CredentialStoreItem cmdlets are not supported in PS Core, since these DPAPI are not present in .Net Core.
When in normal use, the encryption requires the same account and station as the one that did the encryption.
But there are some documented methods to retrieve the decrypted data.
For day to day use, I think the method is safe enough.
Is it unbreakable?
No, but if the documented methods for decrypting the data can be used, you have another problem in your environment.
Re: How to achieve Single URL for Multi Site Setup - Tenant Login
I am aware of the federation but this is after onboarding a Tenant on both Sites, whereas what I am looking for is customer to just type a single URL for example:
https://centralsite or https://centralsite/tenant/testorg
This redirects to site1 or site2 based on validating where the customer resides, or ask a customer which site he wants to access rather then giving customer multiple URLS if he is multi site customer. This will also help in me if I introduce site3 or having maintenance of site 1 etc.
Something similar to how Public Cloud works, you login and then navigate to site you are interested in.
Re: How to filter vm by datacenter name
The question you will have to answer first is, how do you want to show this in your output?
If an array has rows with different numbers of properties, there is a problem with for example Export-Csv.
To guarantee the same number of properties/columns, you could for example create columns like IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4.
But that would mean that several rows have no values in some columns.
You decide.
Re: PowerCLI scipt question
Hi LucD,
thanks for that but dont think you answered my question. I'm after improving the existing script that I copied in.
"I'm now revisiting this same script but extending it to add another 2 vCenters (for production).
The previous one was for (non-production).
Whats the best way of add 2 new vCenters?
The current script moves all the non-production templates from one vCenter to another vCenter DR."
Re: PowerCLI scipt question
Indeed, I was obviously looking at the wrong part of the thread.
Using multiple vCenters is not a problem, but you should probably indicate somehow, which template goes from which vCenter to which vCenter.
Is that info available in an external file, or is there any way to find out by looking at the template?
Re: PowerCLI scipt question
Hi LucD,
At the moment, the template is stored externally under "templates.csv".
The info is only for the vCenter non-production DR site and where the template should land.
template | vmhost | datastore |
template | esxiHost | datastoreName |
Re: whats_wrong_infollowingcode_powercli
if you can check following code one more time and suggest something for orange line .
i have been trying to sort using freespacepercent note property .is it possible as its a custom property ?
$entity=Read-Host "provide entity"
$fragments = @()
if((Get-VM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Name -contains $entity){
Write-host "It's a VM" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$vm = Get-VM -Name $entity
$ds = Get-Datastore -RelatedObject $vm
if($ds.count -gt 1)
Write-Host "vm is configured for "$ds.count "datastores"
foreach($d in $ds)
$d_name=get-datastore -Name $d
$datastores=$d_name|select name,@{N='freespacepercent';E={$per_freespace_round}}
$datastores|Sort-Object -Property 'freespacepercent' -Descending
$fragments += $d_name.Name
$fragments += $per_freespace_round
$fragments|out-file -FilePath 'C:\ttttttt.txt'
notepad ttttttt.txt
Re: Correct way to sign a vRO package
My VmWare Fusion Image with MAC OS X High Sierra does not boot anymore
I installed an update and after that it won't boot again. There is no error message, the progress bar just stops and the screen goes back to the start screen.
i tried rebooting with "debug" but still there is not much to see.
There is a log file in the package, I scanned for "Fail" this is the result:
2019-05-21T17:07:49.361+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config": No such file or directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.361+01:00| vmx| I125: ConfigDB: Failed to load /Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config
2019-05-21T17:07:49.361+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY/config": Not a directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.361+01:00| vmx| I125: ConfigDB: Failed to load /dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY/config
2019-05-21T17:07:49.361+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY/settings": Not a directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.361+01:00| vmx| I125: ConfigDB: Failed to load /dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY/settings
2019-05-21T17:07:49.370+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/Volumes/Data/Users/wvdheiden/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config": No such file or directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.370+01:00| vmx| I125: ConfigDB: Failed to load ~/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config
2019-05-21T17:07:49.389+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config": No such file or directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.389+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/Applications/VMware": No such file or directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.389+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/Applications/VMware": No such file or directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.389+01:00| vmx| I125: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/Volumes/Data/Users/wvdheiden/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config": No such file or directory.
2019-05-21T17:07:49.568+01:00| vmx| I125: MXUser TryAcquire failure probability = 0.000000
2019-05-21T17:07:50.002+01:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: open of /Applications/VMware failed: Could not find the file
2019-05-21T17:07:58.562+01:00| vmx| I125: deviceLock.tryLock.failProb debug failure probability = 0,000000
2019-05-21T17:07:58.563+01:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: open of /Applications/VMware failed: Could not find the file
2019-05-21T17:07:58.946+01:00| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB_MISC : DiskLib_GetStorageBlockSizes: Failed to get storage block sizes, The virtual disk requires a feature not supported by this program.
2019-05-21T17:07:59.408+01:00| worker-429219| I125: ToolsISO: open of /Applications/VMware failed: Could not find the file
2019-05-21T17:07:59.409+01:00| worker-429219| I125: ToolsISO: open of /Applications/VMware failed: Could not find the file
2019-05-21T17:07:59.409+01:00| worker-429219| I125: Failed to open Tools ISO image.
2019-05-21T17:07:59.409+01:00| worker-429219| I125: ToolsISO: open of /Applications/VMware failed: Could not find the file
2019-05-21T17:07:59.410+01:00| worker-429219| I125: ToolsISO: open of /Applications/VMware failed: Could not find the file
2019-05-21T17:07:59.410+01:00| worker-429219| I125: Failed to open Tools ISO image.
2019-05-21T17:07:59.598+01:00| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: open of /Applications/VMware failed: Could not find the file
Does not really makes sense to me.
Anybody who knows more?
Re: vRA upgrade license considerations
I have an advanced license for this environment however it didn't work with an enterprise as well
Re: vRA upgrade license considerations
Yea I have an SR open as well was just wondering if anyone experienced the same thing and be able to save some time.
Re: "Failed to Load Partitions for Device" "The partition table is invalid"
Thank you Ulli.
I've created new vmdk file according to your template, but in wizzard after selecting an existing disk it returns: "The file specified is not a virtual disk".
Here is an example of the content of other vmdk files:
# Disk DescriptorFile
# Extent description
RW 117118952 FLAT "\\.\PhysicalDrive2" 0
# The Disk Data Base
ddb.adapterType = "lsilogic"
ddb.geometry.biosCylinders = "1829983"
ddb.geometry.biosHeads = "2"
ddb.geometry.biosSectors = "32"
ddb.geometry.cylinders = "1829983"
ddb.geometry.heads = "2"
ddb.geometry.sectors = "32"
ddb.longContentID = "79cc266b55cc5414e225f488fffffffe"
ddb.uuid = "60 00 C2 9e 64 bf 3b a3-0c 69 73 c5 dd 2a 88 48"
ddb.virtualHWVersion = "12"
...Now I'm trying to use converter, but it returns:
"A file I/O error occured while accessing", or "Status: Failed: unable to find system volume, reconfiguration is not possible."
Re: Missing Out-of-the-box dashboard of Federation Management Pack 1.1.0-11289728
Worked fine for me. I installed it on 7.0 and have since upgraded to 7.5 and have all the dashboards
Re: VROP Licensing - Mix VMware License in Cluster (Need Advice)
Create a user account that you intend to use for configuring the vsphere adapter. Give it permissions needed for ESXi 1-6
Give it no permissions for ESXi 7-11 (specify no access permissions) Doing this will allow vrops to collect on the 1-6 but not 7-11 and stay within your licences
Re: Create new VM but skip Deployment
Hi KThorlund.
You should be able to delete the VM in vRA only if you use the ManagmentModelEntities(Look at vCACEntityManager) . But I would not recommend it. You might end up with alot of work you have to redo on every upgrade of vRA (Database might change).
But I would suggest another solution for you:
If you use IaaS Blueprints, you can write an XaaS Blueprint wrapper to start the IaaSBlueprint. (If you allready use XaaS ,you can skip this).
Then add your vRO server to the vCenter (Register a vCenter Orchestator as a vCenter Server Extension workflow). You can then "publish" the XaaS blueprint directly in vCenter.
This will make it possible for people with access to the vCenter to deploy a machine directly from the vCenter Web portal, but they do not need access to vRA.(VM will still be visible and handled by vRA).
If they still have access, you can change businessgroup of the IaaS blueprint before you deploy it, making it invisible for "normal" users in vRA.
I use this approch, but that's mosly because the people in charge of vCenters doesn't want to work with several Web-Portals.
Re: [issue] Supermetric - count the attribute: diskspace|snapshot|snapshotAge result = 0
It works for me all i changed was the age down to 1 as we have none over 100. The only thing i can think of is i am running 7.0 and 7.5 and it worked on both. I know there were problems in the passed using attributes in super metrics but seems to have been added in 7.0