Usage error in dlmalloc
Re: Error with ESX 6.7U2 Install on USB Drive
> Before beginning installation I cleaned the USB drive with DISKPART to remove all partitions.
Looks like that was not good enough.
Use dd and completely wipe the device with zeroes and try again.
ESXi is very picky when it comes to obscure partitiontables.
Re: Import Parallels 14 into Fusion 10.1.6 - VMX file is corrupt - Mojave
Attach the corrupted vmx-file to your next reply.
Re: The Parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created.
Hi contiuum,
I'm having the same problem now. Would you please help me? i followed the KB attached but neither Notepad++ nor Textpad if big enough to open the vmdk file.
Thank you so much in advance.
Re: SRM 8.1 PowerCli and API code
Two users with the same question at approximately the same time?
In any case, shouldn't that be
Re: The Parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created.
If the disk in question is used by ESXi you should see a small file name.vmdk side by side with a large name-flat.vmdk or name-delta.vmdk.
The small name.vmdk can be opened in any texteditor - I highly recommend to use the embedded editor of WinSCP.
If we are talking about Workstation vmdks see my howto: VMDK-Handbook-Basics
Re: SRM 8.1 PowerCli and API code
Hi LucD, there is no $PVM.Moref but there is $PVM.vm.moref you can try by your self if you want.
Network connectivity restored on virtual switch - but never went down?
Hello guys,
Let me briefly apologize in advance as I am not a vmware engineer and don't understand the intricacies of vmware.
I stumbled across this issue trying to troubleshoot why our Windows deployment server was crawling during the initial TFTP download of files. As I was trying to rule things out I came across this within ESXI itself.
On our ESXI host I have been noticing events stating -
Network connectivity restored on virtual switch "xxxx", protgroups: "xxxx", "xxxxxxx". Physical NIC vmnic0 is up.
However, there are no logs stating that the physical NIC went down.
This happens fairly frequently, at least every hour. It also seems to happen when VM's are rebooted as well as PXE'ing.
When I look in vobd.log I see -
[netCorrelator] 1234567us: [] Uplink:vmnic0 is up. Affected portgroup: XXXX 1 uplinks up
[netCorrelator] 1234566us: [] Network connectivity restored on virtual switch "xxxx",portgroups: "xxxx" "xxxxxxx". Physical NIC vmnic0 is up.
This is happening roughly every 10~ minutes.
Again, I see no correlating "Physical NIC went down" logs.
EDIT: a few details I forgot to enter -
ESXi 6.7 update 1
Driver bnxtnet
(I will add as I think of things or things are asked)
Thanks in advanced. Hopefully this is a no duh no brainer issue.
upgrade vcenter OS to windows 2016
our vcenter is running on windows server 2008 with esxi 6.0. our goal is to up[grade or install a new server with windows 2012 or 2016
which one is better is to upgrade the old vcenter VM or build a new server?
ESXI 6.0 compatible with windows server 2016 and 2012?
any extra steps i have to be aware before i start the upgrade or build a new server?
Re: How to import vmdk files (not ova, ovf! ) via vCloud or vCenter?
I have a few questions. Where are the virtual machines hosted right now? What version of the vCenter are you trying to upload to?
It depends on how many VMDK's you have. If you have one or two I would suggest building your server, uploading you vmdk's to the datastore then edit VM settings and add existing hard disk.
Have you tried selecting your VM, selecting Template and export to an OVF template?
If that still doesnt work for you, you can always build an OVF by writing it using XML.
Re: File Server Migration
Andre, My reply
In order to provide a recommendation, you need to provide some details about the server.
- are OS, and data on the same virtual disk, or on separate virtual disks? >> No, separate disks
- do you have any applications installed on the server, which has data located on the OS partition? >> No such application installed which data points to OS partition
- are only domain users/groups, or well known SIDs use for NTFS permissions? >> Domain users/groups
VM's are not part or vCenter.
Re: File Server Migration
Davoud, which one do you think safe, time saver & reliable approach out of suggested 3 ways?
- Prepare another VM as new file server and move data to new server (If the VM is joined to domain, there is no issue about ACL)
- Create backup from VM and restore to another host.
- Copy/Clone VMDK file from old host to new host and then attach it to new virtual machine.
Re: Microsoft Visio 2016 takes a long time to load the first drawing
Thanks this settings worked for us with appstacks.
We have office 365 in golden image and Visio was taking 7 minutes to launch with appstacks attachment.
We have updated the snapvol.cfg exclusion for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun .
Visio launch issue got resolved and launching in less than 30 sec.
Re: upgrade vcenter OS to windows 2016
which one is better is to upgrade the old vcenter VM or build a new server?
Neither. At this point, Windows vCenter is dead and will not survive past 6.7. It makes no sense to install a brand new vCenter on Windows (or upgrade an existing one). Your path forward at this point should be the vCenter Server Appliance as that will be your only option going forward.
Re: Usage error in dlmalloc
For crashes and crash dump analysis, you need to open a support request with VMware.
Re: Network connectivity restored on virtual switch - but never went down?
When I've seen this in the past, it has been due to network driver issues. First thing I'd check (in addition to patching your host) is if a newer version of that driver is available and supported for your NIC. You may also choose to open an SR with VMware and supply logs to see if this is a known issue otherwise.
Enabling fault domains on existing vSAN cluster
I have been considering enabling fault domains on my vSAN infrastructure, as all servers do not reside in the same rack. The storage is about 70% consumed across 4 hosts. I figure that doing so will generate a lot of sync traffic as vSAN works to get VMs into a compliant state after the policy has been changed, but is there any way I can work out how much sync traffic is going to be generated?
Essentially I'm trying to work out what sort of effect this might have on the workload and whether it needs to be done out of hours. Also trying to establish whether there is any way to stop the sync from overrunning into working hours.
Basically any relevant info or experience of this would be welcome!
Thanks in advance
Re: Setting up SSO when users have an 'at' symbol in their username
In vCenter's SSO config, you can declare one external domain to be the default domain. When you do so, you can then login to vCenter using the username without having to specify the domain in which the user principal resides. If your OpenLDAP usernames use the UID attribute and there are special characters actually in the UID attribute, that would be one thing. Or if they're using sAMAccountName. Otherwise, try to configure your SSO default domain.
Re: Certificate issue
Do you have any linked vCenters to this one? If you're sure that the Certificate Management portion of the H5 client shows none about to expire, check your vCenter Solutions. You may have a VASA provider (do you use VVols anywhere?) that's presenting a cert which is about to expire. This is pretty common. Barring that, look at logs on the vCSA and see if you can trace it. If all else fails, open a support request
Re: upgrade vcenter server
No, that behavior is present regardless of where View Composer is installed. Hopefully you were smart and didn't install it on the same server as vCenter (presuming Windows), but regardless, when vCenter is down for an upgrade and View must talk to vCenter, those functions are unavailable.